William G. Crook - Non-Autism Books of Interest

Disability and Related Books

William G. Crook.
Detecting Your Hidden Allergies (Future Health, 1988). ISBN: 0933478151 . [allergy]
William G. Crook.
Help for the Hyperactive Child: A Good-Sense Guide for Parents of Children with Hyperactivity, Attention Deficits and Other Behavior and Learning Problems (Professional Books, 1991). How-to book for elimination diets. ISBN: 0933478186 . [disability,parent]
William G. Crook.
The Yeast Connection and the Woman (Professional Books, 1995). Includes material on autism. ISBN: 0933478224 (732 pages). [allergy]
William G. Crook.
The Yeast Connection Handbook (Professional Books, 1997). Illustrated by Cynthia Crook. ISBN: 0933478232 (273 pages). [disability,nutrition,treatment]
William G. Crook.
The Yeast Connection (Professional Books, 1989). Describes problems attributed to yeast imbalances in the body. ISBN: 0933478119 . [disability]
William G. Crook, Marjorie Hurt & R. N. Jones.
The Yeast Connection Cookbook: A Guide to Good Nutrition and Better Health (Nutri Books Corp, 1989). This book is recommended by many parents who are treating their autistic children for a possible yeast imbalance. The book describes people who have a variety of medical complaints (including many which can be viewed as characteristics of Autism) attributed to yeast imbalances in the body. There is a discussion in the book of a case of an Autistic child who measurably improved when treated for yeast. The book offers lists of what is OK to eat and what is not, and is full of delicious recipes for gluten free meals...waffles, pancakes, bread, cookies, etc. ISBN: 093347816X . [disability,nutrition]
William Crook.
Yeast Connection (1992). Third Edition. ISBN: 0394747003 (paperback, 434 pages, second edition, Vintage books 1986). [allergy]
William Crook, Laura Stevens & Cynthia P. Cook.
Solving the Puzzle of Your Hard to Raise Child (1987). 368 pages. Includes material on autism. ISBN: 039456054X . [disability]

Non-autism but related books by William G. Crook.
