Elisabeth A. Tinbergen - Nonfiction

Autism Books

Elisabeth A. Tinbergen & Niko Tinbergen.
Early Childhood Autism: An Ethological Approach (Berlin: Parey, 1972). Part of the series Advances in Ethology. Number 10 in the series. ISBN: 3489780361 (53 pages). [autism]
Niko A. Tinbergen & Elisabeth A. Tinbergen.
"Autistic" Children: New Hope for a Cure (London: Allen & Unwin, 1983). Also Boston. 362 pages. Describes holding therapy. Written by a Nobel Laureate (in ethology rather than psychology) judged to have gone off the deep end by some. He favored the theory that autism was caused by inadequate bonding between child and mother. ISBN: 0041570111 ; ISBN: 0041570103 . [autism,holding]
Niko Tinbergen & Elisabeth A. Tinbergen.
Bambini autistici (Milano: Adelphi, 1984). I think this is a translation of one of their English books [autism,italian]

Autism non-fiction books by Elisabeth A. Tinbergen.
