Torey L. Hayden - Nonfiction

Autism Books

Torey L. Hayden.
One Child (Avon, 1995). Teacher's account of troubled student. I've seen a synopsis of the book that labels the child autistic. The Tiger's Child is a sequel. ISBN: 0380542625 (paperback, 221 pages); ISBN: 0808511394 (1999). [autism,account]
Torey L. Hayden.
The Tiger's Child (Avon, 1995). Sequel to author's One Child. ISBN: 0025491504 (hardcover, 256 pages); ISBN: 0380725444 (paperback, Avon, 1996); ISBN: 0785797416 (Econo-Clad Books, 1999). [autism,account]

Autism non-fiction books by Torey L. Hayden.